We are your global partner to genuine european products of traditional agriculture

How we work

From market needs and requirements to customized production and worldwide sourcing.

On a first step, our approach consists in identifying market needs in hand with you. We can either detect these needs or create new offers according to your insights.

Second step, we define with you a customized production planning. Before launching the agricultural process we will make sure to fine-tune every detail, precisely answering at your specifications.

Third step, we launch the production with local farmers. Thanks to our European network we can confidently work to produce any king of product, always through a traditional process.

Once the growing and harvesting is done, we can also take care of the conditioning, making sure it answers at every legal requirement.

Fourth step, we ship the products wherever you need them around the world. And we make sure to track the shipment all the way to you.

Fifth step, we are there to deliver you the shipment, at your front door if necessary. Making sure you receive your order on time.

Once all this is done we get ready to reiterate the order, or fine-tune it according to your customer's comments.